Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Helping Hand

Lord, Please guide us as we try to guide our children. Both the typical and non-typical (autism).
Thank you for each progression we see.

What a Day!

Glad to finally put a close on the day.  Our wee hands and big demands are sleeping soundly. 
Thank you Lord for guilding our busy, scattered day.  Thank you for the encouragement from your Word.
Thank you Lord for being there when I need to call on you.  "Even the wind and sea obey you."
I am grateful to rest in your hands and close my day in peace upon speaking your name and fully relying on you! Romans 8:26 and 27.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Looking Forward!

I hope to work on our new family blog sometime in the near future.  We desire to share our daily lives and events with our family and friends; whom we may not see often.  This seems to be the easiest way.

Stay tuned!